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K9 Clinic Welcome & Fam Visit - £0.00

K9 New Patient Visit - £80.00

For new patients only

Chiropractic Treatment - £45.00

For existing patients only

Laser Treatment - £50.00

For existing patients only

Chiropractic Treatment & Laser Treatment - £60.00

For existing patients only

Gratias Tibi (ONLY to be booked by Dr. Kevin)

For existing patients only

New Patient Visit (HUMAN) - £80.00

For new patients only

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Terms & Conditions

Animals enjoy their Chiropractic treatment tremendously. Dogs specifically are very good at adapting to pain in order to hide it from potential threats. This means that they often compensate for weeks-months-years before lameness is apparent. After treatment we must give their body time to adapt to the changes that the treatment has made. This means that they are only to be taken for light walks for the first 2 days ideally), and then slowly reintroduced to their normal routine.

Animals like some humans, may have some mild transient muscle soreness and will want to rest as much as possible after a treatment. This is a normal side effect. Manual therapy may also uncover a hidden lameness that the animal has been compensating for and hiding up until this point. Younger animals (<6 years old) recover quickly after their initial session. If for any reason after 7-10 days your animal has not fully recovered
it may need further treatment (if it’s a chronic issue) / it may need a lameness exam from your veterinary surgeon. Chiropractic treatment is a very gentle technique and works only within the animals’ normal range of movement – therefore cannot cause lameness, although it may bring to light an underlying issue

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You will receive an appointment confirmation email with details of your booking. We look forward to seeing you in the clinic.

Booking Summary

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Kevin Pistak

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